Distilling Art from Artist

The recent theatrical release and only moderate popular success of Kill Bill Vol. 2, partnered up w/ the home video release of Vol. 1, left me wondering whether Tarantino’s recent films, the first of which was a delirious and bloody brilliant paean to global lowbrow cinema, and the second, while flawed, still potent and emotionally engaging, would have been more successful if their auteur had been a less obnoxious public figure.

Pt. 2, Or How While Hanging Out at Krispy Kreme with Michael Dequina, Jeff and James Chen Talking ‘Bout Bunnies Having Sex in the Pool and Savaging the Legend of QT, I Portend the End of Pax Americana

Taking a break from taking a break from it all, I slipped away from The House the Mouse Built to spend some time with fellow cinephiles and all around good guys Michael Dequina, Jeff and James Chen.

Waylaid at Wally’s World Wherein I Learn, Among Many Other Sobering Truths, That My Ten Year-Old Daughter Has More Jam Than Her Old Man.
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