All righty, it's an off night in the World Series (can you believe the Sox won both games despite committing EIGHT errors? The Yanks must be wondering just how the hell they lost to this team), and I actually got to see a film in the theatres, so excuse me while I bend your ear a little about Team America: World Police (2004, Trey Parker) AKA Blame Kim Jung-Il!

Meisters of the savage skewer, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, whose South Park TV show has, since 1997, set the standard for balancing hilarity and misanthropy, and whose debut feature film, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut upped that particular ante in rather staggering fashion, have apparently decided that the best way to face up to the dreaded sophomore jinx is to avoid comparison to their first film and skin a cat of an entire

Okay, lissen, bear with me, cuz I promise that I will get back to the movie reviewing game sometime very soon, but right now nothing out there gives me the shivers like watching some post-season baseball, and this year's edition kicks ass; we've not only got the most remarkable one man show this side of Barry Bonds or dinner theatre with Hal Holbrook, in the person of Houston's Carlos Beltran, but also the most unlikely of comebacks, a historical first major league baseball-wise, as the cursed a
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