Saint Ralph (Canada, 2005, Michael McGowan) AKA Malcolm goes to Porky's

Set in a Catholic school in 1954 Hamilton, Ontario, Saint Ralph is based on the true story of a 14 year old boy who set out to win the Boston Marathon in order to conjure up the miracle he believed was necessary to rouse his mother out of her disease-driven coma. The film is not entirely satisfying, falling back a bit too easily on stereotypes and cinematic conventions, yet it also packs an unexpected emotional punch come film’s end.

Everything about Saint Ralph (both film and character) is cute. Adam Butcher, who plays the titular character, is—-as I’m sure adolescent girls everywhere will agree--a cutie. The inter-titles, which divide the film into easily consumable chapters, are adorable.

Damn. Has it really been six weeks? Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. Here's the latest.

Downfall (2004, Germany, Oliver Herschbeigel) Nero Fiddles

Hitler’s last days, as told through the eyes of his young and relatively naïve secretary Trudl Junge (Alexandria Maria Lara), is the premise of Downfall.
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