Murderball (USA, 2005, Henry-Alex Rubin & Dana Adam Shapiro) AKA Gimme Some Lovin'
How cool is it that we live in a world where a sport named murderball has a place in the Olympics? True, it’s the paralympics, but still and all, count me in as one who digs the whole idea. Yet, tempering my enthusiasm for the prospects of watching a film so delightfully named was the realization that it promised to be yet another inspirational sports film about unlikely heroes overcoming monumental odds. And yet, since this is a documentary, hope sprang eternal that the filmmakers wouldn’t doctor the material to force the uplift down own eager little throats.
How cool is it that we live in a world where a sport named murderball has a place in the Olympics? True, it’s the paralympics, but still and all, count me in as one who digs the whole idea. Yet, tempering my enthusiasm for the prospects of watching a film so delightfully named was the realization that it promised to be yet another inspirational sports film about unlikely heroes overcoming monumental odds. And yet, since this is a documentary, hope sprang eternal that the filmmakers wouldn’t doctor the material to force the uplift down own eager little throats.