North Country (USA, 2005, Niki Caro) AKA Men are Monsters

The road to Hell may or may not be paved with good intentions, but it is most certainly littered with the battered corpses of a mediocre movie or two. North Country, unfortunately, is just such a film.

North Country is not the first starring role Charlize Theron has taken since her Oscar-winning performance in Monster, but it does return her to familiar territory, playing against type as a downtrodden working class single mother of two named Josey Aimes.

A History of Violence (Cronenberg, 2005, Canada) AKA A Diner Existenz

A History of Violence is, on the surface, a pretty straight-ahead thriller, with a couple of wild and raunchy sex scenes mixed in with copious incidents of gruesome violence. However, hidden beneath it all is a rather unflinching study of America's apparently primal need to cheer violence.
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