When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Parts (2006, USA, Spike Lee)
Wherein a requiem becomes a celebration.
Ben sed:
Much to my own surprise, I turned out to be smart enough not go deeper inward with Tarkovsky; turned outward to: 'There but for the grace of Godot go I.' Planned to view just Act I of this document but it drew me in completely and the next thing I knew, it was one in the a.m. and I had watched the whole thing. I could only allow myself this knowing that I wasn't booked for work today and thank Godet again that the phone didn't ring at 6:30 this morning. I own Randy Newman's Good Old Boys (1974) so I put on "Louisiana 1927" first thing to wake the boys for school. And now it's raining again.
Wherein a requiem becomes a celebration.
Ben sed:
Much to my own surprise, I turned out to be smart enough not go deeper inward with Tarkovsky; turned outward to: 'There but for the grace of Godot go I.' Planned to view just Act I of this document but it drew me in completely and the next thing I knew, it was one in the a.m. and I had watched the whole thing. I could only allow myself this knowing that I wasn't booked for work today and thank Godet again that the phone didn't ring at 6:30 this morning. I own Randy Newman's Good Old Boys (1974) so I put on "Louisiana 1927" first thing to wake the boys for school. And now it's raining again.