When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Parts (2006, USA, Spike Lee)

Wherein a requiem becomes a celebration.

Ben sed:

Much to my own surprise, I turned out to be smart enough not go deeper inward with Tarkovsky; turned outward to: 'There but for the grace of Godot go I.' Planned to view just Act I of this document but it drew me in completely and the next thing I knew, it was one in the a.m. and I had watched the whole thing. I could only allow myself this knowing that I wasn't booked for work today and thank Godet again that the phone didn't ring at 6:30 this morning. I own Randy Newman's Good Old Boys (1974) so I put on "Louisiana 1927" first thing to wake the boys for school. And now it's raining again.

Floating Weeds and The Story of Floating Weeds (1934/1959, Japan, Ozu)

Ben and I take a pass at an unusual pair of films wherein a director remakes his own film, a la Hitchcock's The Man Who Knew Too Much.

Ben Begins:

Turns out I saw more of the 1934 film than I thought, as I recognized certain scenes from it reproduced in the 1959 remake. (I must say it is interesting to see a second version of a film done by the original director.

Tokyo Story (Japan, 1952, Ozu)

Wherein Ben and I struggle to compose ourselves as we compose two very similar reviews.

Ben Begins:

I am going to start by way of Beckett but I do so with a specifically formal point in mind. In my experience, Waiting For Godot is the most plot-less drama ever. Just about nothing happens. At all. Just about.

Over at The House Next Door, I join my partners in crime with a discussion of the five pieces of film criticism that helped shape my personal pick of destiny. Heh.

It's Deja Vu All Over Again

I loves me some Denzel, but come on man, it's Tony Scott!

If you head over to The House Next Door, I lambast Tony Scott and the pussified critics who are giving him a free pass for his latest hunk of junk.

So head on over to The House Next Door for my latest, a discussion of five films that I have come over time to change my mind about.

Aguirre: The Wrath of God (Germany, 1972, Werner Herzog)

I have a few things to say about this one over at The House Next Door. Enjoy.

Out of Place: Memories of Edward Said (2006, Japan, Sato)

Chek out my review over at The House Next Door. I'm hoping it'll stir some shit up.

The Departed (USA, 2006, Martin Scorsese)

So great to see Scorsese back on top of his game. For a full review, follow this link over to Cinemarati.

Dead Man (USA 1995 Jim Jarmusch)

Where Ben and I squabble a little over Jarmusch's intent.


In the scene near the end at the trading post when he blows away yet a couple more characters, Jacob laughed out loud and said, "Man, it's like Tarrantino." Odd as this may sound, the kid is on to something.
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