Being that the subject of our discourse is that there really is no Trouble in Paradise (USA, 1932, Lubitsch) when you are in the hands of a master filmmatist like Ernst Lubitsch.
Ben says:
I can't tell you how much this film entertained and impressed me. Because I am essentially ignorant of the main directorial streams in the development of Hollywood, the foundations Lubitsch laid are only partially appreciated by me. Yet, I fully comprehended Bogdanovich's analysis of the European infusion into the American scene to establish a new model beyond the original one provided by Griffith. That this was achieved through verbal comedy seems to me to be not accidental.
Ben says:
I can't tell you how much this film entertained and impressed me. Because I am essentially ignorant of the main directorial streams in the development of Hollywood, the foundations Lubitsch laid are only partially appreciated by me. Yet, I fully comprehended Bogdanovich's analysis of the European infusion into the American scene to establish a new model beyond the original one provided by Griffith. That this was achieved through verbal comedy seems to me to be not accidental.