America: Freedom to Fascism (2006, USA, Aaron Russo)
For those who are tired of hearing Ben and I give elaborate praise to all the great films of years gone by, head on over to The House Next Door to get a look at how ugly it can get when I get my hate on.
Meanwhile, I'm heading to Hornby Island for some R and R. See y'all in a week or so.
Painful really. The satire is so fully realized, the critique so developed right to the end of the line, it is almost too much to endure how much worse it is in 2006 than it was in 1976. Thirty years later the comedy hurts because the fulcrum of sanity and hope in Network has all but eroded.
With Monica in Vancouver and Max in Parksville, Jacob reminded me about a few titles he's heard me mention. On deck are Network and Do The Right Thing. At bat today is SAL, which I've been saying for years is Stone's best film. Not much of a prounouncement considering I haven't seen all of his work.