The Double Life of Veronique (1991, France/Poland, Krystof Kieslowski)

Wherein Ben and I differ on the relative merits of Kieslowski's first post-Cold War feature.

Ben Begins:

It's probably too bad that I didn't have the energy to write this review last night immediately after watching TDLOV. Last night I liked it considerably less than I do this morning, so we could have had a better disagreement. Nevertheless, I hope to nit pick enough to bug you. Before I attempt this, however, I will have to acknowledge what is obviously excellent about the film.

It is a terrible shame that Kieslowski is no longer alive making films, of course.

Prairie Home Companion (2006, USA, Robert Altman)

Another episode of Ben and Dan being in nearly full agreement as to the merits of a film. Ho hum.

Ben sed:

Nashville meets A Mighty Wind. Which is redundant to the extent that Christopher Guest is pretty clearly a student of Altman in the first place.

And so I've posted my favourite ten musical releases of the past 12 months here. And though it is only a click away, for those who cannot bear to wait, simply scroll down a coupla inches to see my favourite album of 2006.

I will post a similar cinematic version of such a list after I've had a chance to see more of the year-end releases, many of which don't seem to make it to my neck of the woods until the end of January.
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