The Return and Debut of Renowned Screen Capture Quiz

And but so, here it is, back by popular demand. I am debuting the Screen Cap quiz here at Cinemania that I stole from Bryant Frazer, and which I have been doing, off and on, for a year or two over at dearly departed Cinemarati. As nobody ever really threatened to win the Grand Prize by guessing all three screen caps at Cinemarati, I am going to make it a little easier and start off with TWO images from TWO different films in my DVD collection. If you are able to correctly guess the identities of BOTH films first, you will win a GRAND PRIZE. I promise to dust it off before sending it your way.

Both are films that, though several decades old, I saw (and loved) for the first time this year.

The first set of visual clues are now posted.

All righty, so Brian has brought Apollo Guide out of hibernation, and I've started writing for the site again. Here's where you'll find my latest batch of reviews, on films that range from the banal to the beatific.

Dead Silence

Flags of Our Fathers

A couple of obscure Al Pacino offerings, the rather dull Local Stigmata and the considerably more engaging Chinese Coffee

Lastly, my review of the dearly departed Deadwood, and it's third and final season.

Enjoy. Heh.

Cinemarati Bids You So Long, Farewell, Auf Weidersein, Adieu and You and You and You and You and You

There is no joy in Mudville tonight. After seven years of wild and woolly fun, Cinemarati is closing its doors.

Friends, Readers, Fellow Travellers, lend me your ears. Unlike Marc Antony, I come not to bury Cinemarati, nor simply to praise it. Actually, I’m gonna do a little bit of both.

Ah Cinemarati, I’m gonna miss ya, ya big lug.
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