My Year in Film Studies

Part One

When my department head approached me with the idea that I consider teaching a Film Studies class, it was--not to put too fine a point on it--a revelatory moment. One the one hand, as a lifelong movie lover and a decades-long movie reviewer/blogger, the idea of spending several hours a week immersed in the world of sounds and images was quite enticing. On the other hand, with the old adage "be careful what you wish for, lest it come true" ratting around my head, I feared that the experience of sharing my favourite films with a group of less experienced and "refined" movie goers would prove if not frustrating, at the very least less than satisfying. I fretted about the motivations of the students I would encounter.

Andrea Featured in Monday Magazine

A very nice feature on my favourite person in the whole world appeared in Monday Magazine this week. Take a look:

Andrea is a massage therapist here in Victoria B.C., and I'm here to tell you she's good.

And Now for Something Completely Different

I wrote this for the Baseball Prospectus Idol contest, knowing it stood little chance of being selected. I lack the number crunching skills to make it with that crowd of smarty pants. But still and so, here's my homage to baseball.

When I was young, baseball was played by giants on mythic Elysian fields.
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