Man With a Movie Camera (1928, Russia, Vertov)
Ben Begins:
You just know this film rocks! It's so cool. But let me get this out of the way to begin with. I was definitely influenced by the soundtrack, which I really dug. A few months ago, the boys and I watched Metropolis and halfway through I finally turned off the sound; so inappropriate and bothersome did I find it. This time, I felt the music managed both to support the visuals, providing some suggestion of continuity and punctuation, and be independently interesting in its own right. I guess I'm not the only person to feel this way.
Ben Begins:
You just know this film rocks! It's so cool. But let me get this out of the way to begin with. I was definitely influenced by the soundtrack, which I really dug. A few months ago, the boys and I watched Metropolis and halfway through I finally turned off the sound; so inappropriate and bothersome did I find it. This time, I felt the music managed both to support the visuals, providing some suggestion of continuity and punctuation, and be independently interesting in its own right. I guess I'm not the only person to feel this way.