Between the Folds (2009, USA, Vanessa Gould)

Ben Begins:

The brevity and modesty of this film are essential to it's efficacy as both an entertaining and educational documentary. For the reputation of it's subject matter is also that of something small and unprepossessing. That origami is actually something massive and marvelous is made evident by the soft-spoken and less-is-more power of this film. And just as the film makes the viewer reconsider any prejudices that might be held about origami, reflecting on the film itself, the viewer realizes that it too turned out to be something more than expected.

This is a lot of fancy talk to say that Between The Folds handed my ignorant ass back to me on a plate.

Ben and I have reprised our discussion of Tokyo Story over at Slant's House Next Door blog.

We also took a deeper look at Haneke's White Ribbon.

And my latest review, of the stellar debut effort by Xavier Dolan called I Killed My Mother, can be found over at Apollo Guide.

I have to head back home to deal with a family emergency, and so won't be reviewing much of the Film Festival this year, I'm afraid. I do have a review up at Apollo Guide for Love Simple, however.

Until later, kiddies.
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