A Facebook exercise is now a blog post. The task: Think of 15 movies that had such a profound effect on you they changed your life or the way you looked at it. These are the films that no matter what they were thought of critically, shaped your world. 

First up: The Films Chosen by Ben Livant

1. Emil and the Detectives (1964) - I saw this was I was five or maybe just four years old at the British Embassy in Warsaw.  It is the first film I remember.  And I use the word "remember" reservedly.  For many years, I did not know if I had watched a movie, had a dream or lived through some real life event.

2. Full Metal Jacket (1987) - Has the singular distinction of making me change my mind about a film like no other before or since.

Movie-Themed Slot Machines

Movie themed games have become more popular because whereas in the past the theme was just used loosely, borrowing images and characters, nowadays, the makers of the games are making deals with the movies so that they can use clips and apply the idea of the film much more effectively and make the whole experience much more enjoyable for gamers.
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