McCabe and Mrs. Miller (Robert Altman, 1971, USA)
Dan Jardine:
I am passing this copy of McCabe and Mrs. Miller along to you so you can check in with your initial response to the film, formed lo these many years ago, before you became the cinephile we all know and love today, just to see if your larger experience not only with Altman's oeuvre, but also with the greater movements in cinema in general, have led to a greater appreciation of what I consider to be one of Altman's best films.
Dan Jardine:
I am passing this copy of McCabe and Mrs. Miller along to you so you can check in with your initial response to the film, formed lo these many years ago, before you became the cinephile we all know and love today, just to see if your larger experience not only with Altman's oeuvre, but also with the greater movements in cinema in general, have led to a greater appreciation of what I consider to be one of Altman's best films.