Frank (USA, 2014, Lenny Abrahamson)
Ben Livant:
To be frank, I do not think much of Frank. Honestly, do we really require a whole movie starring the advertising mascot for the Jack In The Box burger chain? But seriously, are we supposed to take Frank seriously? I have to ask because the movie moves from act one bathos to act two pathos without coherence. I believe the creators of this work themselves cannot see whatever meal they mean to serve because they fish for fowl and then foul the fish.
The story goes from being an outlandishly absurdist ridicule of a collective bohemian creative process to a public service announcement about the socially responsible treatment of mental illness.
Ben Livant:
To be frank, I do not think much of Frank. Honestly, do we really require a whole movie starring the advertising mascot for the Jack In The Box burger chain? But seriously, are we supposed to take Frank seriously? I have to ask because the movie moves from act one bathos to act two pathos without coherence. I believe the creators of this work themselves cannot see whatever meal they mean to serve because they fish for fowl and then foul the fish.
The story goes from being an outlandishly absurdist ridicule of a collective bohemian creative process to a public service announcement about the socially responsible treatment of mental illness.