Stay Human (Michael Franti, 2018)

Michael Franti, musician, songwriter and social justice advocate, has long struggled with the problem of being critical of the many serious problems in the world, while trying to find the means to transcend them through community and connectedness. His album Stay Human, released in 2000, explored this territory, and has become the inspiration for the Franti-helmed 2018 documentary.

Franti offers details of his personal history and psychology to help us understand the forces that shaped him and the inspirations that have led him on his current journey. Franti’s honesty and frankness in these very personal moments of self-reflection lend the documentary an intimacy that illuminates the humanity that he chooses to highlight in his subject matter.

A Boy Called Sailboat (Cameron Nugent, 2018)

A Boy Called Sailboat is a wee fable whose ability to charm will be in direct correlation to one’s default cynicism setting. The more affable and hopeful one is, the more the film is likely to win one over.
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