Gunda (USA/Russia, 2020, Viktor Kosakovskiy)

Ben Livant:

[1]  Farm noir.  Definitely on the level, though, ground level Bub, no Dutch angle about it  The cows were too cowed to corroborate the crime, but the trip to the prison paid off anyway because one of the rosters crowed.  That's what happens, sister!  Hobble a cock and he'll squawk.  That's the price for leaving him only one leg to walk.   Guy's just lucky that murder most foul wasn't murder most fowl.  Anyway, the bird was a rat and that was that.  So, not in this barnyard, babe!  How now killer sow?  You don't get to stomp out one of your own and get away with it.  Poor piglet.  Them's the breaks baby cakes.

New Order (Mexico, 2020, Michel Franco)

Ben Livant:

Given our conversation beforehand, I misunderstood the scale of the situation.  I thought the dramatic setting was strictly within the confines of a single private dwelling.  After you told me that the servants rebel, I confirmed my (incorrect) understanding that the focus was within "the feudal manor;" again, on a solitary estate.

Black Bear (USA, Lawrence Michael Levine, 2020)

Ben Livant begins:

A bit of a head scratcher.  I mean, in a very sweeping sort of way, I can take away that the exercise is a study in personal falsehood in the circumstance of professional (Part 2) or wannabe professional (Part 1) artistic creativity.  You know, fabricating fiction as a vocation comes with its own occupational hazards.
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